
Day: Special Effects

Models showcase for Pink Night of Reggio Emilia

by on Jun.18, 2010, during Events

A beautiful model in the flesh used as a dummy, This is the idea of the E20 in Reggio Emilia, to show the public the new fashion trends for summer 2010 of Didu, historic clothing store in the city.

Notte Rosa: Modelle in vetrina (3551)

The Pink night in Reggio Emilia, held on 16 June 2010 and dedicated to all women, In fact, he saw the beautiful star Francesca, that, presented to the public in the flesh in the shop window and dressed in underwear only, has undergone more than one hour makeup transformation that has made a life-size plastic doll.
And everything has been immortalized in a photo shoot in the big marathon Francesco Rossi

Notte Rosa: Modelle in vetrina (4230) Notte Rosa: Modelle in vetrina (4046)

The makeup and wigs, created by Irene and Stefano Spreafico bags MakeUp-Studio have seen the application of a pink plastic all over his body and a sophisticated makeup on her face, that made Frank a sweet sexy mannequin pink-haired and blue eyes.

Notte Rosa: Modelle in vetrina (4205)

L’evento, enriched by a live DJ sets, has enjoyed great success throughout the evening, which has seen a continuous evolution of the model, carried weight on stage and behind the scenes as if it were a real dummy, in several changes of clothes, accessories and makeup.

Notte Rosa: Modelle in vetrina (cast)
Irene Spreafico, Francy, Francesco Rossi, Stefano Sacchi, E20, DiDue

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Cornus devil latex

by on Feb.22, 2010, during Special Effects

Today I'll show how to achieve simplicity with a small pair of devil horns in the pre-vulcanized liquid latex.

  • Clay modeling (I use the Pongo, cheaper and readily available)
  • Gypsum powder (if we do not want a particularly precise and richly detailed plaster and it is also by those who sell items for construction will be fine)
  • Vaseline (available from hardware)
  • Pre-vulcanized liquid latex (in this case I chose cheap material available in a shop of fine arts)
  • A container that can accommodate our model the size of just over (achievable in Caroncini or simply by cutting a plastic bottle)

Once identified by eye the size of our model (a horn in this case) we start the modeling phase with Pongo, placed on a flat base isolated from the work table with a sheet of paper, trying to give a rounded shape and concave at the base.

Model horn in clayObtained the desired shape, and added some detail to increase the realism (For example, vertical stripes on the bone or the horn in a simple orange peel on the skin) you must place the model in a suitable container (which may be a small cardboard box made to measure or, as in my case, the bottom of a plastic bottle), up at least a few centimeters more than the model, and distribute on the surface in a delicate (preferably with a brush) the vaseline will work to release.

After that you can make the plaster and fill the container that, until it completely covers our model (that, course will remain open at the base (face which touches the bottom of the box or bottle) and not be undercut, permetterene for rapid and effective removal.

Model in clay and plaster mold

Once you have the mold (the negative) will be sufficient:

  • apply a thin layer of vaseline
  • stratification 3/4 levels of pre-vulcanized liquid latex, buffered with talcum powder from time to time, when dry

to create many replicas of our model.

Model horn in liquid latex

To get a good result the Board to pay small amounts at a time of latex into the mold, mold to be rotated so that the liquid latex adheres well to the boundary. To speed up the drying time may exercise useful to have a hair dryer, to be used at low speeds and at a distance of at least 10/15 inches from the mold.

The outer rim is the most delicate part of the work: more will be thin more 'invisible’ will be the application of the prosthesis. To achieve this it is usually sufficient to reduce a layer of latex outer part, remaining inner layers with subsequent.

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