Bodypainting contest at the Maison Espana, Milan
by Stefano on Mar.15, 2010, during Events
Party full of fun and happiness to the one organized at the local Ivart 'Maison Espana’ Milan, Saturday 13 March 2010.
The party has seen players we painter (Ivan, Leonardo , Flavio and myself, Stefano Sacchi) and our models, that immediately after the dinner were stained in the bodypainting theme of which was assigned to Spain.
After work one of us makeup artists, the audience in the room and held various works Ivart acclaimed winner of the evening.
The party continued for all of us, painter, models, photographers and the public in the rhythms, dances and local color than the offered. The result was a memorable evening for all of us, actors and spectators of a show set in a romantic atmosphere and guided by the imagination.
(painters – bodypainter: James Leonardo Borgese, Flavio Bosco, Stefano Sacchi, Ivart)